Dios hizo profetas a unos muchachos (1 Sam 3,20; Jer 1,5)
Salesianum vol. 80 (2018) n. 4, 607-642
Sezione: Studia
Que Dios pueda hablar – y la Iglesia tenga que escucharlo – en las vidas y con las aspiraciones de los jóvenes no es una ocurrencia inverosímil. Es un hecho probado en la historia de la salvación. Samuel y Jeremías, dos muchachos sin méritos ni experiencia, fueron elegidos por Dios para guiar y acompañar su pueblo en tiempos en los que o Dios no hablaba o no se le escuchaba. Por atender a Dios se convirtieron en sus profetas e Israel pudo volver a oír a su Dios.
God also speaks – and the Church has to listen – through the lives and expectations of young people. That’s not a nonsense, it is fact, repeatedly attested in the history of salvation. Samuel and Jeremiah, two inexperienced teenagers without accomplishment of their own, were chosen by God to lead his people by going with them in times when either God was permanently silent or no one was willing to pay attention to his voice. By listening to God they grew up while becoming his prophets, and their people were able to hear God’s Word.