Salesianum offers all subscribers the possibility to access the digital version and the Journal’s archive, which will be progressively made available. This option is also valid for institutions that receive Salesianum in exchange.
There are two ways to provide digital access:
Automatic recognition via IP address (recommended for collective users such as libraries, colleges, and study centers). To activate this option, please write to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , communicating your user code (the one printed on the shipping label) and your IP address; if there are more than one, you should indicate them all.Your IP address can be easily identified by seeking advice from your IT service provider or by accessing one of the free online services, such as
Authentication on the Salesianum website using a username and password (recommended for individual users). New subscribers will receive their login credentials 2 or 3 business days after completing the subscription procedure.
In the case of current subscriptions –– or for users who receive Salesianum for another reason ––, to obtain your credentials please write to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. communicating your user code (the one printed on the shipping label) and a valid e-mail address. This address will serve as your username for authentication. The password will be provided by our Staff to the indicated email address.
Access to the digital version and the archive will remain active for the duration of the subscription. No claims can be made once the subscription period has expired.